
Meet Ms. Oliveira

Hello Long Branch Community!

I am so happy to join the Long Branch Lion Pride as assistant principal this year.

A little bit about me: I’m originally from Ohio, and I started my career as a volunteer working with adult refugees learning English, then taught algebra at secondary school in southern Africa, and worked at a corporate training firm, all before starting at APS.

I’ve been an English learner teacher, math coach, testing coordinator, and most recently an assistant principal, all in APS. My work as a math coach focused on supporting students and teachers in making meaning of math. I’ve continued that work as a volunteer with NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) as an article reviewer. I was an exchange student in Mexico when I was in high school, and I continue to work on my Spanish. Don’t hesitate to help me practice!

I live in Arlington, and both my own kids graduated from APS schools, one from W&L, the other from Yorktown.

I’m so excited to work with Long Branch staff, students and families!


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